Thank you.
You’ve got so much coming into your senses right now, the fact that you’re here makes me want to BOW to you.
So, I’ve got a free gift for you as a thank you for choosing to spend your time with me.
Pick your medicine:
A video/audio lesson on the muse, failure, and speaking your truth. This 5 minute video gets to the point AND will definitely change how you look at failure. Guaranteed.
A behind the scenes look at how I make art and process emotions. This is a 20 minute lesson, and will teach you a few tools on using your body to get past confusion and fear.
I adore you. Again, thank you for being here.
Oh, and if you’re like…Rose, I already have these gifts. Contact me here and I’ll find another goodie for you. I’ve got plenty for you.
Embracing you,