What if death was part of the gift?

What if death was part of the gift?

I received this exquisite bouquet of flowers, and today shared with Jason how I was having lil anxiety because, well, the flowers were falling away.

But what if contemplating death was part of the gift?

I know it’s unsexy to talk about how we’re going to die, but to me it seems that we as a culture are either denying it or denying it and calling it a green smoothie.

I know I’ll die. I know the people I love the most will die, too. I hope it’s a really long time before any of that happens. But it happens and it surely isn’t something I can control the timing of (what is, really?).

And in knowing that, today I choose to honor life and lead with love, first.

May I always continue to do so, even when I’m denyingly sipping a green smoothie.

What if death was part of the gift?

Thank you, beloved one, for reading one of my almost 300 blogs! Please consider buying me a coffee to keep quality posts like these fueled! 

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