The past month or two has included many not so subtle moments that reminded me: you gotta take care of yourself.
Migraines. Insomnia. Relationships (toxic ones) that just need to be let go – finally.
Things have bubbled up and really – it’s been an ultimate time of learning.
I’m at a loss of what else to say – or what the ultimate lesson is here, cause these wounds are open still.
In time, with rest, I’ll have the truth of this fleeting moment to share.
Also, I’ve had blogs planned to write, but they aren’t going to happen right now.
As you may know, my 2018 goal was to stay authentic. To be real in this public internet land. To leave the polished “brand” behind — and to connect honestly.
As with all things cyclical, my wisdom and my offering to you can’t be 100 all the time.
Forcing truth is not how the cycles of life work and business works, right?
Sometimes, we can give widely and also have tons of insights within that giving.
Sometimes, we have to cocoon and only work with the clients we have, nurturing from the nest.
If anything comes forth from right now, from this time of introspection, it’s this:
You won’t know the gifts of the tough times without living life.
There’s a truth of your life that can only be mined out by an expert – you.
I keep writing, and telling my Soul Cycle Sessions clients, and telling myself — the only way out is through.
You have to keep living, and trusting the gifts of the time you are in will be grand.
Hang in there, love. You are worthy of all the gifts and love this world can offer.
That’s why you’re here, right?
R o s e