But certainly isn’t mine as of late…
Let me clarify and say, patience with myself is not my greatest strength: I admit this, I see it, I own it.
But, patience with others, now that’s my jam. I can peacefully sit vigil for 36 hours without sleep while a woman becomes a mother giving birth.
I know that patience exists within me in service to others, but when it comes to my dreams, desires, and wishes…I am not so humble to patience and it’s unfolding in my life.
Does any of this resonate with you, dear one?
Patience is a virtue, right? It’s a valuable, noble, respectful attribute.
Having patience means that you don’t get frustrated waiting for things to happen.
Well, I’ve been stuck in the frustration of waiting.
A few days ago I went on a walk. The path I walked is the path I usually jog. I had this moment as I was walking and said to myself: gosh, this walk is taking so long. And, dear readers, that was a fact. I was literally going half the speed as usual in my trot. I felt so uneasy with how long the loop was taking me. I wanted to just get home and back to my comfort place.
Honestly, I was feeling impatient with myself, and my ability to reason through a few mysteries in my life.
The walk gave me time to look at aspects of life that make fill me with sorrow right now. I asked myself: what do these teaching aspects of my life want me to know? What is it that this patience laden time is asking me to learn?
I have to let what takes time to unfold, unfold, but I can’t seem to get a grip on my relationship to that unfolding.
I wanted to skip over the unfolding part in order to get to the big picture answer.
I realized, I need this time to myself. I need to sift through what I’m going through. I need to embrace the mystery of things revealing their timing in my life.
It’s in the moments of waiting that my true self, my true creativity, lives and thrives.
7 truths about patience that I know will serve you today:
1. You can’t skip the steps of the unfolding. You won’t get anywhere but to a place of confusion if you do.
2. It’s in the patience of unlocking your answers that ease comes to grace you and give you what you need.
3. You CAN skip the unnecessary suffering of expectation, though, to get to your big picture.
4. Heavy handed expectation makes cultivating patience impossible.
5. Practicing patience is necessary for inviting in creativity +listening your intuition.
6. Comparison is the opposite of patience.
7. Compassion for yourself, your life, your imperfections is your path to patience. Enough said.
What path are you taking to live and understand patience in your life today?
May you walk your walk at the pace that serves you most, let your unfolding happen with joy, and know that you are not alone.
As always, I am gratefully in service…
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