One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is this:
how do you make time to make art?
While I wish it was a simple as having some sort of time management system, but truly the answer is this:
I have all my supplies easily accessible and ready for when the time presents itself.
This materials at the ready approach boils down to having a studio structure. No, you don’t have to have a room or a separate studio to make this happen.
You do need to have the willingness to ponder these 4 questions:
How do I / will I use a space?
Do I use it for writing, painting, movement?
This will help you determine what type of space you really need.
What do I need in a space?
Do I need a computer, books, art supplies, props, desk, natural light, electrical outlets?
This will help you determine the right type of gear for your space.
Where’s the ideal space?
Let’s take a moment here and dream it up a bit. What would be ideal for you, even if it’s not something you have right now?
This will help you determine whether the space needs to be a separate room or a moveable situation.
How can I make this happen with what I’ve got?
Here’s the cream of the crop: making it happen with the resources you have.
Instead of wishing your space were different, and then becoming inert because you can’t make it different, what can you do right now to carve out your space?
I’ve had all types of studio spaces. From a desk in a bedroom and storage in a closet, to a separate space in a cool old warehouse down by the river.
Often, the art I create reflects the space I have, and that’s ok. As in, I’ll create large pieces when I have large spaces to do so.
Because if your art isn’t reflecting your life, then whose life does it reflect?
Tell me, what’s your studio structure or space like right now? How can you love it for what it is at this very moment?