Hello dear one.
I’m trying out vlogging (video logging or video blogging).
I still love to write, so this vlog-ing may stick around or it may be a once in a lifetime thing.
Either way, I hope you can take about 10 minutes to listen in to my musings on a theme in my life right now: contentment.
In this VLOG I discuss:
My grief around letting go aspects of myself as I became a mama
What I feel always happens to expectations in life
The practice that brings me back to my center
What I see a lot of mothers talking about across the blog sphere right now
How to love the tough stuff of your life
I hope you enjoy ~ let me know how this discussion on contentment finds you today.
R o s e
Things referenced in this vlog:
My past blogs about expectation here and here.
Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic
What if all I want is a mediocre life? by Krista O’Rielly-Davi-Digui
My handmade mug is by Lorie Means Holton
My instagram post that I mentioned as inspiration
And last but not least here’s my husband’s website…as you can see he’s really into the process of practice.
Thank you, Rose. Took a few moments of my lunch break to spend time with this video and the idea/practice of contentment, and am glad I did. Take care!
Thank you for sharing your experience, Cathleen. I am glad this reached you to remind you of all the facets of contentment. I hope you are well!