I recently came to this revelation, and I want to share it with you.
Are you ready?
Here it is:
We, in the northern hemisphere, are experiencing the darkest days of the year.
I know, it’s pretty obvious. But, I forget that when winter begins, the days become lighter and lighter. I often feel like winter begins, the days become darker.
What a beautiful rhythm nature has to bring in the light when the weather starts to get colder, right?
Here are a few ways I’m getting through the darkest days of the calendar year:
Simplifying and de-cluttering.
When I start to feel overwhelmed, scared, or dark I take time to organize and simplify my settings. I’m also in the process of de-cluttering to get ready to move from my current home. It’s really liberating to do a little at a time, and think of all the new ways my old stuff will be used once I pass it on to someone else.
I cling to stuff. I think we all do, to an extent. But, I’m changing my patterns and unloading a lot right now. I find that when I do release, I’m reminded of how much richness I have in the simple things.
Making and sharing my process.
I don’t very often feel like making art. I know, that’s probably an uninspiring thing to read, yet it’s true. Afterall, motherhood is the most unspoken + uncelebrated making activity in our culture. So in a way, I’m making art all the time, it’s just not bright and shiny like a new painting (though my son certainly is).
A few weeks ago, I recorded my process of art making by scribbling and adding watercolor to a piece. In the video, you’ll see how I process some tough emotions in order to get through to a deeper level of awareness.
I don’t have the answers most of the time. Yet I learn how to get more comfortable with the unknown as time goes on.
Staying present.
It’s easy to get excited about what’s to come. December is a big holiday season for many, and the focus can feel really outward and on a certain gathering or day, rather than what’s happening in front of us.
Motherhood is a sure way for me to learn staying present. It seems the minute my mind drifts into the future my son is next to me handing me a block to keep building (there’s another lesson in that moment, for sure).
Another way I stay present is to put my hands on my belly, close my eyes, and breath. That’s it – a simple moment to remind me of the power that is right now.
The greatest reminder in navigating the darkest days: there are gifts in this time.
And as always, may you embrace this dark time because it’s part of your precious and unique life.
Happy Holidays + Happy New Year.
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