Remember: setting goals without guilt = better organization. And, better organization = more time for creative expansion.
A few months ago, I was sitting around and thinking about what I wanted from my life. Newly pregnant, knowing things were going to change in the next year, I kept asking myself:
what are some of my immediate goals?
This questions left me feeling: eugh. That one word, goals, had me tied in a knot and I began to examine why exactly that was happening.
Over the past few years that I have been mentoring women, I often get asked about goal setting. And often my response is a tossing of my hands in the air as I shrug and say:
I don’t teach goal setting!
I felt this way for a few reasons. First of all, everyone is so unique and different. I felt like goal setting was as unique and different as us all, so there couldn’t be one formula to help a person get to achieving her goals.
Also, I knew a thing or two about goal setting from my past. Especially around this time of the year, where making a resolution is expected, I had seen for many years disappointment in myself when the goals didn’t happen.
You see, I used to create goals out of obligation and then not taking into consideration things like: life changes, the goal’s timing, or how much I was clinging to the outcome of the goal.
I was suffering from a large amount of goal guilt.
Goal guilt is not fun. It makes you run screaming from any conversation about goals. It swings you into the opposite of goal making, which is goal hating.
Yet, I know we all want to set goals for ourself in order to be our best, and to share our gifts, to get the most out of our days.
I keep hearing over and over from you a want for goal setting strategies, so I created a new program integrating my goal philosophy and your needs, dear creative one.
Welcome to a new era of your goal seeking life, called…
Remove Goal Guilt is a short self paced e-course designed to help your dreams to flourish as you take a deeper look at what you want to achieve in your one of a kind life.
What you will gain from taking this e-course:
1. A set of self reflective questions that will weigh the real value of your goal
2. A new way to view your goal’s rhythm and timing
3. Permission to let go of your goal’s outcome
4. A guide you can use over and over for any new goal you have
5. A one hour presentation by me to help guide you into deeper questions about the meaning of your goal
Are you ready to uncover what goal is waiting within you to be discovered?
Remember: setting goals without guilt = better organization. And, better organization = more time for creative expansion.
Today, I’m a big fan of goal setting–but not just any goal setting. I’m a fan of goal setting that removes goal guilt from the start.
You deserve to remove goal guilt from your life. Let me help you along your path…
Join me today for a very special rate by clicking here.
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