“I love being married to a divorced man,” I said to my sweet friend over a coffee date a few days ago. Wow, did I really say that out loud? Did I really admit to someone else besides my husband that I love and appreciate his past? Not only did I say it, I truly[…]
How to Heal your Heart Chakra in 5 easy steps
heal your heart chakra “The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.” ~ Helen Keller With all the heart shaped chocolates and love themed cards in stores, if you didn’t know it was Valentine’s Day in the US, you’d think we were a culture obsessed with[…]
Pre-Pregnancy Planning: How will I know?
Pre-Pregnancy Planning For many of life’s changing stages, the change just happens to us. For instance, we turn 21–a milestone age in American culture, just by the natural process of aging. Granted, free will is a large part of all our milestones, but there are some that do just happen to us. But to decide[…]
Finding the Love of your Life
again, and again, and again and again…. This blog post is about love. It’s about me finding the love of my life. But what really lies behind these words is a journey of finding the self love and self worth. I adore my husband to the moon and back. I could write page after page[…]