A few days ago, I came to this conclusion: When you let go, and let your dreams come to you in the way they fit for YOUR life (not in someone else’s life or how you perceive them to be in others lives) things click together. They just do. The aspect of yourself that you[…]
The secrets to getting what you want from your life
There is a lot of talk about staying present in the circles I run with ~ be it in yoga philosophy, women’s soul seeking gatherings, conversations amongst birthworkers, or in Catholic theology, the topic of staying present to your life is overtly, for lack of a better way to say it, present. It’s almost as[…]
Love is Letting Go
Love is not clingy. Love is not about holding tight. Love is not dependency. Love is letting go. Dear one, I write this to you as an invitation. I write this as a lesson I’ve learned with loving myself. I think one of the reasons I became a doula and a mentor and an artist[…]
How to Make the Best out of the Worst
Being human, we are all part of the stuffs of life – love, heartache, careers, searching, success, failure…etc. And inherent in the stuffs of life are the best and the worst case scenarios. What if you could simply be free from the worst case scenarios? What if you could be rid of all that aches[…]
Pre-Pregnancy Planning: How will I know?
Pre-Pregnancy Planning For many of life’s changing stages, the change just happens to us. For instance, we turn 21–a milestone age in American culture, just by the natural process of aging. Granted, free will is a large part of all our milestones, but there are some that do just happen to us. But to decide[…]
How to overcome Social Media insanity and regain your Creativity
This past month, I’ve been on a big cleanse. Not your run of the mill cleanse from food ~ instead I’ve been on a social media cleanse. For me, this has meant that I deactivated my personal facebook account, with the intention of getting back on the site after a month or so. It’s been[…]
A Peacock Teapot – how the peacock has taken form in my art
I became obsessed with imagery of the peacock a long time ago. Actually, I recall it vividly. A courtyard in the middle of a beautiful villa in Florence, Italy. There he stood, this peacock, shining brightly, boldly, and in the face of a lot of other chaos (people). I adore that memory. That time in[…]