
How to keep doing stuff without praise

You know, day in and out, we live in this world of doing stuff. Work stuff, parenting stuff, marriage stuff, inter-personal stuff, sharing our life on social media stuff. What do you do when you are sharing your life’s work stuff (like in the entrepreneur realm) and you don’t think anyone is listening? This week’s vlog[…]

Expectations are a portal to self acceptance

When I was a new mama, I learned a thing or two about expectations surrounding my life as a new mother. Most importantly, what I learned was that my expectations were exhausting me. Can you relate? I believe expectations are the root to getting lost in our life. Yet…I also believe that expectations can be[…]

Contentment is my practice today

Hello dear one. I’m trying out vlogging (video logging or video blogging). I still love to write, so this vlog-ing may stick around or it may be a once in a lifetime thing. Either way, I hope you can take about 10 minutes to listen in to my musings on a theme in my life[…]

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