As a mama, I have the most unique privilege to witness my son’s firsts. Witnessing a tiny human learn to be in his body from crawling to standing to walking and now running almost as fast as his parents – it’s nothing short of remarkable. Now, I get to witness the first processing of ideas[…]
Where has all my creative energy gone?
My creative energy is going somewhere that it’s never been before. A new, nourishing, dark and wildly mysterious place holds all my creativity these days. Specifically, my creative energy has been staying in my womb to nourish a new life. I’m pregnant with my first babe! As I write this, I am well into the[…]
We all go through it
As cold weather is creeping into the corners of my home, and I am reminded of a few themes at this time of year: getting cozy, and the delight of gathering indoors with beloveds cool and frosty mornings with daytime sunshine that feels like the purest gift burrowing deep into the cave of my soul to[…]
Giving permission
I am wearing a badge of busy these day. I wrestle with this badge, because I believe being “busy” is sometimes a cop-out for showing up for life. Or at least being busy was my excuse against living my life fully for a very long time. Sometimes, though, you are downright FILLED with the happening of your[…]
Something I never thought I’d say
“I love being married to a divorced man,” I said to my sweet friend over a coffee date a few days ago. Wow, did I really say that out loud? Did I really admit to someone else besides my husband that I love and appreciate his past? Not only did I say it, I truly[…]
The truth about what I want
Recently, I was going through a rough patch, as we all do from time to time. Important relationships were appearing in my life like relation-shits (as my dear friend Jana Kellam teaches), several of my mechanical tools broke within 24 hours, and I was fearful and stressed about all the details of my life. Honestly,[…]
As February ends, I reflect
February dances into March, with a sweet southern snowstorm to grace our presence. As I write this note, I have my accounting software open on my computer (tax season is here, oh my!). I am reflecting on this year since stepping into my art and coaching business full time, and wowsus ~ what a year![…]
Confession: I was addicted to being busy
I was leaving my dance class this morning, and my dear friend asked me what I was up to today. I held up my hand in an 0 shape to signify nothing. I have no plans, I told her. I immediately got in my car and thought about how I should have come up with[…]
A love affair
This love affair like all others you know. Inspecting all the smallest aspects that you love about your love… Being love struck and forgetting about other priorities… Lots of private time to out what your chemistry is like… But, here’s the one part that may be different than all other love affairs you’ve experienced. This[…]