Ahem. Let me start this one off with a question: What holds you back from creating your life? Is it not enough time? Is it a crappy job situation? Is it an unhealthy relationship you can’t say goodbye to? I spent a lot of my early 20s feeling that if only ______ happened, then my[…]
Something I never thought I’d say
“I love being married to a divorced man,” I said to my sweet friend over a coffee date a few days ago. Wow, did I really say that out loud? Did I really admit to someone else besides my husband that I love and appreciate his past? Not only did I say it, I truly[…]
The truth about what I want
Recently, I was going through a rough patch, as we all do from time to time. Important relationships were appearing in my life like relation-shits (as my dear friend Jana Kellam teaches), several of my mechanical tools broke within 24 hours, and I was fearful and stressed about all the details of my life. Honestly,[…]
Are you going to evolve or disappear?
A true lesson on throwing away my old paint brushes As I am wrapping up this year, as I have finished my custom orders and attended my last birth, I am feeling reflective. The other day I reflective in a real weepy, unsure, a bit scared way. I keep saying to myself: I am where[…]
The secrets to getting what you want from your life
There is a lot of talk about staying present in the circles I run with ~ be it in yoga philosophy, women’s soul seeking gatherings, conversations amongst birthworkers, or in Catholic theology, the topic of staying present to your life is overtly, for lack of a better way to say it, present. It’s almost as[…]
Love is Letting Go
Love is not clingy. Love is not about holding tight. Love is not dependency. Love is letting go. Dear one, I write this to you as an invitation. I write this as a lesson I’ve learned with loving myself. I think one of the reasons I became a doula and a mentor and an artist[…]
Why I surrender
Embracing love, sitting in nature, a mother holding her crying child, helping those in need…these moments are all contain the essence of surrender. When you surrender to the moment, you allow for it to unfold. You see the magic in the mystery and the unknown. You shed those protective layers that guard you instead of guide[…]
Now is your time: Create
I’m invoking the Wild Muse within me to prepare for my online Art History course. My muses name:Rose Candela. Before you go away because this seems to much like other fluffy stuff you may have read in the past I want to invite you to stay. Because, this feeling of finding one’s self is a[…]
Planning Pregnancy: Why you can’t not
I am a planner. I love to organize ideas and thoughts in a systemic way. This is why for so so so many years I’ve been paid to be an organizer. I also think that planners need to be thrown out the freaking window sometimes. I mean, there is a myth of control in our[…]
Where are my emails?
Ok, this may sound like a mail server specific write up. Dear google, I can’t see my messages… But it’s not that type of ‘where are my emails’ question. This is a blog post about finding self value. Here it is: My husband Jason and I were having our sweet morning moments: tea, breakfast, how[…]