
Theory vs. Experience

Oh goodness. Lately, on my minute musings, I’m really fired up about a few things. For instance, how I’m not really career motivated. It feels like a confession as a woman, who knows how much fight has been fought to get us to even a place at the table, I’m not motivated to move up[…]

Minute musings

Do you have a minute? Or two? I’ve begun a new series where I’m coming to you for about 120 seconds (sometimes shorter) to talk about what’s up. What’s up with life, art, being human during this time. I’ve started this in order to document things I’m thinking, or musing, on. This is a facet[…]

Conflict means it’s working

When there’s conflict, it means it’s working. About 5 months ago, my husband and I actively began to work on strengthening our marriage. Like many people during this pandemic, we were faced with aspects of how we were doing day to day that, simply put, weren’t serving us anymore. In one of the books recommended[…]

You’re more than this

A few days ago, I listened to Bryan Stevenson and Krista Tippet on the podcast On Being. If you’re not familiar with Bryan Stevenson, he’s the founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, Alabama and Aronson Family Professor of Criminal Justice at New York University School of Law. His mission of making the[…]

How to make a series

Whether you’re making a series of art or a series of content for your business, having a system is crucial for it’s success. In this video – the last studio diary of 2020 – I walk you through 4 steps in making a series. Also, at the beginning I give you the most important aspect[…]

the unexpected companion

(collage art by me! be the first to know about my new art by clicking here.) Lately, I’ve been thinking about friendship breakups. Because, well, covid times feel like a huge breakup with the entire world. One thing I know about my research lately around grief is this: grief is connective Meaning, when you grieve[…]

Find your style

Hi creative one, Do you ever wonder what sets your art apart from others? Style. It’s your signature, it’s you, it’s what makes people say: this looks like {insert your name}’s work. In this episode of my studio diaries, I share with you 3 ways you can develop your style. In this 9 minute video,[…]

Your perspective is your truth

As I sit here, I’m waiting like you’re waiting. Waiting to know what’s election results in the US, but also waiting for almost everything.  I’m also choosing to see what I want to see. Today, that means removing myself from the news cycle as much as possible. In art, perspective is choosing an angle by[…]

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