Do you ever get stuck and feel unmotivated or uninspired?
Welcome to my studio, season 2
Hi beloved! I miss connecting with you. And, most of all, I miss connecting with you about the practices that keep me sane, which most often have to do with making art. I’m back to giving you a behind the scenes look at what I’m doing in my studio – and what calls me to[…]
Are you going to evolve or disappear?
A true lesson on throwing away my old paint brushes As I am wrapping up this year, as I have finished my custom orders and attended my last birth, I am feeling reflective. The other day I reflective in a real weepy, unsure, a bit scared way. I keep saying to myself: I am where[…]
How to Make the Best out of the Worst
Being human, we are all part of the stuffs of life – love, heartache, careers, searching, success, failure…etc. And inherent in the stuffs of life are the best and the worst case scenarios. What if you could simply be free from the worst case scenarios? What if you could be rid of all that aches[…]
Is this one myth holding you back from being creative?
Ahhh, to be an Artist. The torture, the darkness, the anxiety of creating–these emotions fuel us to make our greatest masterpieces. Right. Right? WRONG. You do not have to be a maniac, depressed, or a tortured soul to be creative & make Art. Thinking that you have to be moved by the darkness to create[…]
The importance of beginner’s mindset
I’m really excited about this topic of a beginner’s mind ~ but the other day I was literally in tears over it. Back story: I took an amazing leather hand stitching class taught by Karie Reinerston of Shelter Collective. She owns an incredible shop in West Asheville, the Shelter Collective Shop, which houses her and[…]
Please make ugly Art
Today, make something ugly. Do it from your heart, but please make ugly art. Make sure it make you say “bleh” when you look at it. Ok, ok, ok. You’ve got me, I’m not serious. I really want you to make things that you find and feel are beautiful. After all-I claim “create beauty” to[…]
My Art Making Process
Last week, my beloved sister-in-law took a moment to publicly thank me, among some other creative minds, for shining the light on the path of being able to creatively go for it. I was humbled beyond words, because–to me this is my life service. To create, to share beauty, to live from that place of[…]
A Peacock Teapot – how the peacock has taken form in my art
I became obsessed with imagery of the peacock a long time ago. Actually, I recall it vividly. A courtyard in the middle of a beautiful villa in Florence, Italy. There he stood, this peacock, shining brightly, boldly, and in the face of a lot of other chaos (people). I adore that memory. That time in[…]
How Creativity can be a Reflective Practice
Last week, I created this painted teapot after a snow storm came through Western North Carolina–plus much of the United States (part of a polar vortex, which is an amazing name!) As I was hand painting this teapot, I was stuck in a few spots. I felt that my life was a bit of a[…]