Ahem. Let me start this one off with a question: What holds you back from creating your life? Is it not enough time? Is it a crappy job situation? Is it an unhealthy relationship you can’t say goodbye to? I spent a lot of my early 20s feeling that if only ______ happened, then my[…]
Are you going to evolve or disappear?
A true lesson on throwing away my old paint brushes As I am wrapping up this year, as I have finished my custom orders and attended my last birth, I am feeling reflective. The other day I reflective in a real weepy, unsure, a bit scared way. I keep saying to myself: I am where[…]
The secrets to getting what you want from your life
There is a lot of talk about staying present in the circles I run with ~ be it in yoga philosophy, women’s soul seeking gatherings, conversations amongst birthworkers, or in Catholic theology, the topic of staying present to your life is overtly, for lack of a better way to say it, present. It’s almost as[…]
The Mystery of Conception
Sometimes, I’d like to believe we live in a predictable world, a world that has many a +b = c moments. But then I’d think, that predictability would be pretty freaking boring, right? Truth be told, there really isn’t much that is that predictable, anyways. As many of us know, our life can change in[…]
Love is Letting Go
Love is not clingy. Love is not about holding tight. Love is not dependency. Love is letting go. Dear one, I write this to you as an invitation. I write this as a lesson I’ve learned with loving myself. I think one of the reasons I became a doula and a mentor and an artist[…]
How to Make the Best out of the Worst
Being human, we are all part of the stuffs of life – love, heartache, careers, searching, success, failure…etc. And inherent in the stuffs of life are the best and the worst case scenarios. What if you could simply be free from the worst case scenarios? What if you could be rid of all that aches[…]
Planning Pregnancy
When the topic of planning pregnancy is approached, it seems like there are a lot of hard and fast tips out there to get you and your body ready for conception. But what do you do when you know all the things ( ie: stop smoking/drinking, get on a healthy diet track, modify exercise…etc.) but[…]
Creative Mornings – 7 steps to make your morning routine amazing
There are so many ways to get caught up in the rush of mornings. For those of us that work during the day, sometimes there just is not enough time in the morning to do much besides get out of bed and go. Here are 7 tips to get your creative juices flowing in the[…]
Living a Creative Life – My one Simple Step
On how living a creative life is achieved, but is the opposite of all I’ve done… Go. Hurry. Finish. To-do. Achieve. Be on time. Goals. Plans. Go. I am writing this blog post yoga class bliss. My friend, teacher, and a delightful influence in my life, Deirdre Smith-Gilmer has created a great community for exploring[…]
The Best Kept Secret for Public Speaking
I am back from the Big Easy, and that’s exactly how I am feeling. Easy. In the flow. Allowing. Relaxed. My husband, Jason, taught a great yoga class this morning on how leaving routine behind can really be refreshing, and upon returning to your day to day life, you have a new lens to look at everything In other[…]